Saturday, April 24, 2010

Intentions In Blogging

I have been questioning my intentions for this blog because part of being me is always being concerned about what other people think, mostly how I make them feel by my actions. After rereading my last post, I thought about how it could've been taken as bragging or pride. I would probably actually put money on people never having felt that way because I usually exaggerate how I think other people feel. However, just in case, I want to make clear that I have a few certain intentions which are not bragging or expressing pride.
I want to be positive. I have negativity, trust me. If you want to hear it, pick up the phone and call me. But, negativity is everywhere. Another part of being me is that I like to be different (in moderation), I don't like to do what everyone else is doing (obviously, this does not include blogging). I wanted to be unique in my blogging topic. I'm sure others are doing the exact same thing but none that I know personally.
I wanted a positivity sanctuary. Whenever Christians gather together, they pray and usually beforehand, they take prayer requests. This is important, for the Christian family to lift each other up in prayer and for us to be encouraging one another in faith and bringing our everything to the Lord. But I have a passion about bringing EVERYTHING to the Lord: questions, arguments, struggles, illnesses, needs, etc. My favorite thing to pray about, especially in groups, is praise reports. When a prayer request has been answered, it is just as important to bring it up in the group and pray together about it. The Bible says to weep together and to rejoice together. I find it so exciting for someone to offer a praise report, not only was a prayer heard and answered, even better- someone took the time and care to recognize it and acknowledge it before others. All to often, we talk to God a lot more when we need something than when things are going well. When I have a need, I know I can come to Him and He hears me and will answer me but I also believe that He knew it before I prayed it, He just wants me to come to Him. I think He wants a relationship and I don't think anyone appreciates those people who only call to ask for a favor, why would He? So, I'm making the effort to come to Him with Thanks, thus the blog. I'd also like for others to comment with their gratitude. I'd like for readers to come to this blog and be encouraged and lifted up and try to think about what they have to be thankful for.
Other than the spiritual, there's the emotional. It's common knowledge that people can have a much better day by just thinking positive and a lot worse day by thinking negative. So, for me and anyone else that wants to be pushed in a good direction, here's this little everyday life blog to help. I suppose it's like Chicken Soup for the Soul but it's me and my peeps. Sometimes I'm thanking a person or people, sometimes I'm thanking God, and sometimes I just have a thankful attitude for something or someone. All of it is good so feel free to give your input anytime! So many times, I've been in a group of Christians where prayer request time turns into venting time or gossip time or dump on life time, it runs the Bible study into overtime and doesn't exactly bring the fellowship to the Lord's feet. Maybe this praise report fest can do the exact opposite. Wouldn't it be cool if prayer time ran a group into overtime because the praise reports just kept coming?
So, if I go on and on about how blessed I am, and you get annoyed or start wondering if I have any problems in my life at all or start judging me, maybe you should try to think of ALL your blessings and maybe it will help you be more positive. :o)


  1. Melissa, you are a true positive person and I can see where you r going with such an inspiring attitude! keep up the feelings for it rubs off on others,,lol! love to read your blogs about our LORD and Father! God bless you in this journey of thankful hearts to God!
    cuz'n Brenda

  2. Dudette,
    I think I have the gift of thankfulness. Or maybe it's not a gift, maybe my life is just so good that I can't help being happy. Just this morning I woke up next to the man I love, came downstairs to find my best friend, her honey and Ari's man having coffee in the gazebo and being pleasant. Before I sat down someone poured me a cup of coffee in my blue Wizard of Oz cup. It had just the right amount of coconut creamer. As I write this Gary is cooking my breakfast, eggs and potatoes! What a life!!!

  3. Captain Dudette,
    Thank you!!
    For your response.
    My positivity is on hold for the discouragement that comes when I can only find 3 people that would rather be positive than negative. I thought many people wanted to, but found it difficult to, choose positivity over negativity when given the chance. Turns out that people get a thrill out of expressing the negative, as you had to explain to me does provide a good amount of relief, so much so that when they're done, they're tired of talking/thinking and forget the positive. Whether you were super positive because you choose it or because of lack of options, I appreciate the positive energy that you contributed to my blog!
