Friday, April 16, 2010

Lessons Learned

Last night, as I was reflecting the day, I was thankful for lessons learned. Yesterday, I found myself in a situation that I might have made a different decision about but I recalled the time in the past when I did something similar and I had learned my lesson. So often, people make bad decisions and escape the consequences and the thought process then goes 'Hmm, I did something they warned me not too for the consequences could be really bad, but nothing bad happened, so I guess it wasn't that bad of a thing to do. AND I really enjoyed it so I think I'll do it again! Maybe I can even prove them wrong that it's such a bad thing.' I, however, have had what others would call the misfortune of getting burned EVERY time I ever played with fire. And I am here and now saying THANK GOD!! Thank you, Lord, that you cared enough to "catch" me every time I wandered off. I am thankful that I have received strict and consistent discipline. And also, I have to say thank you for the mercy I received at the same time. As much as the discipline hurt by revealing what risks I exposed myself to, I was spared so often of the permanent damage that I had risked.
Often times, people act like I'm so mature, responsible, or a goody-goody and then they're surprised that I can be fun and goof off and be super sarcastic. Sometimes, they can look like contradictions but the lines are drawn. Some decisions that others think are fine are not okay with me simply because I've done that and it hurt somebody, no matter how much, and I don't want to hurt somebody like that again. Just because I am being so careful not to have regrets doesn't mean I can't be fun. I think people assume that my careful decision making is because of religion or rules or morals but that's a misunderstanding. It's the lessons learned that make me who I am. The "rules" are in place to avoid hurting others and myself, I've had to learn it by challenging it. Other rules have been made up by people for lots of other reasons; wanting power or control, being cautious to stay back from the line as to not accidentally cross it, to make oneself stand out among others. There are lots of other rules, don't be surprised that I don't follow all of them. But don't be surprised when I stand by the ones I've learned to stand by. These lessons learned are like gold to me. I would be an idiot to throw them away and live as if I was never blessed with them.
Dear God, thank you for teaching me these lessons and I open myself up for more. If there be any part of me or my decisions that is not edifying to you, please show me and change me as powerfully and gently as You have before. Be glorified in this pot, dear Potter.

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