Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Jobs, Answers, Rewards, and Simple Moments

Today, I am thankful that Jacob keeps a job and keeps working however he must to provide for his family, and I am pretty sure he has had supernatural assistance a few times to sustain, which I am also thankful for. He has worked for 48 hours straight. He has worked for 108 hours in one week. And he has worked all this out of necessity and had nothing, at times, to keep for himself afterward. And, if all he was doing it for was a smile and thank you from me, he did it all without even that sometimes because it wasn't enough for me, I wanted him to be a husband and a dad too. I see, better in hindsight, how hard it must've been and how dedicated he had to have been, and that tells me he loves us, big much. Many guys are finding it hard to lay down their lives and sacrifice for their families in this way, in such a way to have nothing but a family to show for it. And, there are lots of guys who would in a heart beat, and maybe even did until they got laid off or injured. I am thankful that Jacob is able to work, willing to work, and has somebody who is willing to pay him to work. THANK YOU!
For the past few days, I am thankful that I found some answers. I had a lot of overwhelming questions. How to fix the Audi? What is wrong in the bathroom? Why is my body acting out? Thank you to the Audi dealership in Baton Rouge! Thank you to Brett, Neil's wife! Thank you to Aunt Chela! And thank you to Mom!
It turns out that I am "depressed". Who knew? I didn't. I have all this to be thankful for, how could I be depressed? I will tell you how: I got crap to be upset about, doesn't everybody? That's it. EVERYBODY has crap to be upset about and I got really exhausted thinking about it and feeling it all the time so I shifted gears and decided to think and feel only the positive. But where does that leave all the negative? It doesn't just go away, no. It stays bottled up and festers and builds up until it doesn't fit inside anymore. That's when it starts to weaken the immune system from not relieving the stress. The stress starts to eat at your body, the stomach starts to ache, and any energy that might have been produced is being consumed in order to hold down the stress and exhaustion sets it. Allergies produce worse symptoms. The appetite is suppressed by stomach upset but the cravings for sugar and caffeine increase which brings on the headaches and dehydration. So, since finding my answer, I took myself off caffeine, forced myself to drink lots of water and sleep it off as much as possible, talked through the upsetting stuff with loved ones who cared to listen, help, and comfort, and started coming up with solutions for the problems. I am no longer going it alone or keeping it in or following my gut. I am attacking the issues with my hubby beside me and following my head. I am thankful for the answers and that I was pulled out of my hole before it got a lot worse.
Another blessng I've been realizing ever since we've had to stop spoiling the children is that when our kids knock us down, Jacob and I are still together. They try to get us to turn against each other but we communicate and conquer. I know that this is something that all parents should protect their marriage against: letting the kids come between us. We don't let our kids lay down between us without an invitation, interrupt when we're talking to each other, come in the room when we're having a private talk, or be mean to the other parent. It's always been important to us for our kids to see us as one unit, "...let no man put asunder." We've practiced these rules just because we thought it was a good idea or because "that's just what you're supposed to do", hoping in good faith that it would turn out rewarding. So, I'm superexcited that while this whole time, we were hoping to not be pulled apart by our product, we're now seeing the rewards of our efforts and thanking God that battling with these children doesn't mean battling with one another and actually, it brings us closer together as a team reaching for the same goal. It's weird, Jacob has become that much more a feeling of a safe haven lately.
As I finish this post, I sit outside in the 74 degree cloudy breeze and supervise my two wet children giggle away as they splash water out of their wading pool and do spraying tricks with the hose. Now that's something to be thankful for in itself.

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